Friday, July 8, 2011

How to make dinner when you don't feel like it.

1. Establish the "I don't feel like it" situation: Today the impetus was 4 rounds of 400M run (I feel the need to explain that our 400M course is 200M straight up hill and then 200M straight down hill... it ain't easy) and 15 overhead squats at 65# - pooped-outtedness plus angry wrists = diane doesn't want to use a knife or cook.

2. Go to the store anyway: For two people, purchase two steaks that look good + a head of broccoli + 1 pint strawberries (assuming you have olive oil/butter, salt, pepper, garlic, and chile flakes in your cupboard) (also wine, if you like... it's friday after all)

3. Preheat your oven to 425F. Get out a cookie sheet, rinse the broccoli and slice florets onto the sheet. Drizzle olive oil over, shake salt and grind pepper. Shove the broccoli in the oven for 15 minutes. (ETA - dangit, I forgot to give credit to Paleo Girls for the amazing Blasted Broccoli method that we use all the dang time, excellent work!)

Cutting broccoli for the cookie sheet
4.  As soon as the broccoli goes in the oven get out a heavy pan (I love you, Le Crueset cast iron frying pan) (or I guess heat your bbq grill), heat it over high heat, add a bit of oil or butter (less than a tablespoon for two steaks), then turn the heat down to medium-high when the oil is nice and hot.  Season steaks on both sides with whatever seasoning you want (we love Santa Maria by Scott's for Central California barbeque-style flavor, it has a little sugar, oh well).  Add the steaks to the pan, don't poke or move them while they're cooking on each side, and cook to desired done-ness - ours took about 4 minutes on the first side and 3 minutes on the second side for medium. They were about an inch thick. 

Steaks and seasoning

5. Make some yummy oil to dress your broccoli - put a tablespoon or two of olive oil in a small bowl, add a pressed/minced clove of garlic and a few shakes of red chile flakes.  When the broccoli is done, toss it with this.


6. When the steaks are done, if you can stand it, let them rest on a plate for 5-10 minutes, covered with foil. Once everything is ready, plate it up... we had a few cherry tomatoes left over, so we ate those as well.

I was ready for take-out.

7. If you live in the Pacific Northwest, strawberries are amazing right now, just FYI.

Dessert is served.

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